Search Guidelines
This page allows the identification of Pubmed abstracts, in which two or more concepts in specific context co-occur. The resulting list will contain all selected in the different facets terms.
The result list could be further narrowed using the defined filters.
How to use this search
- There are four search facets which are selected by default. You can change them by adding new and/or removing some of them.
- Start typing into input field of a facet. Based on the typed input the system will filter the top 100 keyword list and if no match is found will provide you the list of auto-suggest concepts.
- When a concept is selected, all the statistics will be re-calculated and the top 100 concepts lists will be reloaded. This will load and the relevant abstracts in the result list, below the facets.
- You can add multiple semantic concepts for one or different facets. You can remove any of the inputs by clicking the "x" of the color box.
- Use the filter facets (on the left side) to narrow you search. You can select multiple filters and values.
- Order results by clicking on the table headings. Repeat when need direction of ordering changed
Useful Tips
- You can explore the data in the repository just using the filter facets and combine it with selections of concepts from the facets
- Using semantic concepts (as blue box) in your search will include all synonyms and spelling variants of the term as search parameter.
- Add additional categories to your result using the "Add column" drop-down list. You can rearrange the columns in the result list, as well.
- All columns, which contain unique values per main entity, are sortable.
- Once a search is executed, an additional filter "Hit Fields" will display where the search criteria were found.
- Summary columns represent the main information about the clinical object (title, identifier, etc) and the search hits.