
Definition: A location on a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Usage: For most purposes it is more appropriate to use subclasses of this class. Direct instances of SequenceLocation can be used for uknown locations that can not be classified neither as an interval nor a site.


Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
Definition: A location on a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Usage: For most purposes it is more appropriate to use subclasses of this class. Direct instances of SequenceLocation can be used for uknown locations that can not be classified neither as an interval nor a site., Definition: A location on a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Usage: For most purposes it is more appropriate to use subclasses of this class. Direct instances of SequenceLocation can be used for uknown locations that can not be classified neither as an interval nor a site., Definition: A location on a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Usage: For most purposes it is more appropriate to use subclasses of this class. Direct instances of SequenceLocation can be used for uknown locations that can not be classified neither as an interval nor a site.
biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref