
Definition: The biological source (organism, tissue or cell type) of an Entity. Usage: Some entities are considered source-neutral (e.g. small molecules), and the biological source of others can be deduced from their constituentss (e.g. complex, pathway). Instances: HeLa cells, Homo sapiens, and mouse liver tissue.


Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
Definition: The biological source (organism, tissue or cell type) of an Entity. Usage: Some entities are considered source-neutral (e.g. small molecules), and the biological source of others can be deduced from their constituentss (e.g. complex, pathway). Instances: HeLa cells, Homo sapiens, and mouse liver tissue., Definition: The biological source (organism, tissue or cell type) of an Entity. Usage: Some entities are considered source-neutral (e.g. small molecules), and the biological source of others can be deduced from their constituentss (e.g. complex, pathway). Instances: HeLa cells, Homo sapiens, and mouse liver tissue., Definition: The biological source (organism, tissue or cell type) of an Entity. Usage: Some entities are considered source-neutral (e.g. small molecules), and the biological source of others can be deduced from their constituentss (e.g. complex, pathway). Instances: HeLa cells, Homo sapiens, and mouse liver tissue.
biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Provenance, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref