
Definition: The direct source of pathway data or score. Usage: This does not store the trail of sources from the generation of the data to this point, only the last known source, such as a database, tool or algorithm. The xref property may contain a publicationXref referencing a publication describing the data source (e.g. a database publication). A unificationXref may be used when pointing to an entry in a database of databases describing this database. Examples: A database, scoring method or person name.


Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
Definition: The direct source of pathway data or score. Usage: This does not store the trail of sources from the generation of the data to this point, only the last known source, such as a database, tool or algorithm. The xref property may contain a publicationXref referencing a publication describing the data source (e.g. a database publication). A unificationXref may be used when pointing to an entry in a database of databases describing this database. Examples: A database, scoring method or person name., Definition: The direct source of pathway data or score. Usage: This does not store the trail of sources from the generation of the data to this point, only the last known source, such as a database, tool or algorithm. The xref property may contain a publicationXref referencing a publication describing the data source (e.g. a database publication). A unificationXref may be used when pointing to an entry in a database of databases describing this database. Examples: A database, scoring method or person name., Definition: The direct source of pathway data or score. Usage: This does not store the trail of sources from the generation of the data to this point, only the last known source, such as a database, tool or algorithm. The xref property may contain a publicationXref referencing a publication describing the data source (e.g. a database publication). A unificationXref may be used when pointing to an entry in a database of databases describing this database. Examples: A database, scoring method or person name.
biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:BioSource, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ChemicalStructure, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:ControlledVocabulary, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:DeltaG, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityFeature, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:EntityReference, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:Evidence, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:ExperimentalForm, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:KPrime, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:PathwayStep, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:Score, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:SequenceLocation, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Stoichiometry, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref, biopax3:Xref