Inhibition of host MAVS by virus

Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting the MAVS protein. During viral replication, dsRNA is produced and detected by DDX58/RIG-I or IFIH1/MDA5 that will activate MAVS to coordinate pathways leading to induction of antiviral cytokines. Several viral proteins including NS3/4A from Hepatitis C, or protease 3C from hepatitis A virus, cleave MAVS to abrogate its activity.


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Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting the MAVS protein. During viral replication, dsRNA is produced and detected by DDX58/RIG-I or IFIH1/MDA5 that will activate MAVS to coordinate pathways leading to induction of antiviral cytokines. Several viral proteins including NS3/4A from Hepatitis C, or protease 3C from hepatitis A virus, cleave MAVS to abrogate its activity.
Inhibition of host MAVS by virus