Inhibition of host IFN-mediated response initiation by virus

Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting the pathway leading to the triggering of interferon-mediated response. This pathway usually starts with the recognition of viral RNA or DNA by host proteins including DDX58 or IFIH1. Then, the signal is transmitted through MAVS and TRAFs leading to the activation and nuclear localization of transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 to induce IFNalpha/beta transcription and protein production. Many viruses interact with components of this pathway to inhibit production of interferons and establishment of the antiviral state.


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Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting the pathway leading to the triggering of interferon-mediated response. This pathway usually starts with the recognition of viral RNA or DNA by host proteins including DDX58 or IFIH1. Then, the signal is transmitted through MAVS and TRAFs leading to the activation and nuclear localization of transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 to induce IFNalpha/beta transcription and protein production. Many viruses interact with components of this pathway to inhibit production of interferons and establishment of the antiviral state.
Inhibition of host IFN-mediated response initiation by virus