skos:definition |
MSH: A class of compounds composed of repeating 5-carbon units of HEMITERPENES.,CSP: family of linear, cyclic, and bicyclic C(10)H(16) hydrocarbons with methylated double bonds at every 4th position; isoprene dimer; the basic structural unit of vitamins A, E, and K, and cholesterol and other steroids.,NCI: A class of hydrocarbons formed from units of isoprene (C5H8) linked to form chains or rings. A mono-terpene has 2 isoprene units, a sesquiterpene has 3 isoprene units, a diterpene has 4 isoprene units, a sesterpene has 5 isoprene units, a triterpene has 6 isoprene units, a carotenoid has 8 isoprene units, and rubber has >100 isoprene units.,NCI: A type of strong-smelling chemical substance found in some plants, especially trees that have cones. Terpenes are found in essential oils (scented liquid taken from plants).,NCI: The class of compound known as terpenes comprise of essential oils, flavours and fragrances. The extraction and synthesis of compounds such as these is the basis for the perfumery industry.