biopax3:comment |
Authored: May, B, 2011-11-08,
Edited: May, B, 2011-11-08,
Reviewed: Kersten, S, 2009-06-08,
The set of genes regulated by PPAR-alpha is not fully known in humans, however many examples have been found in mice. Genes directly activated by PPAR-alpha contain peroxisome proliferator receptor elements (PPREs) in their promoters and include: <br>1) genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis (Acox1, Cyp4a, Acadm, Hmgcs2);<br>2) genes involved in fatty acid transport (Cd36, , Slc27a1, Fabp1, Cpt1a, Cpt2);<br>3) genes involved in producing fatty acids and very low density lipoproteins (Me1, Scd1);<br>4) genes encoding apolipoproteins (Apoa1, Apoa2, Apoa5);<br>5) genes involved in triglyceride clearance ( Angptl4);<br>6) genes involved in glycerol metabolism (Gpd1 in mouse);<br>7) genes involved in glucose metabolism (Pdk4);<br>8) genes involved in peroxisome proliferation (Pex11a);<br>9) genes involved in lipid storage (Plin, Adfp).<br>Many other genes are known to be regulated by PPAR-alpha but whether their regulation is direct or indirect remains to be found. These genes include: ACACA, FAS, SREBP1, FADS1, DGAT1, ABCA1, PLTP, ABCB4, UGT2B4, SULT2A1, Pnpla2, Acsl1, Slc27a4, many Acot genes, and others (reviewed in Rakhshandehroo et al. 2010).