Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
Authored: May, B, Gopinathrao, G, 2008-11-19 19:22:37, Edited: D'Eustachio, P, 2011-10-23, Reviewed: D'Eustachio, P, Matthews, L, Gillespie, ME, 2008-12-02 16:25:31, The process for translation of a protein destined for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) branches from the canonical cytoslic translation process at the point when a nascent polypeptide containing a hydrophobic signal sequence is exposed on the surface of the cytosolic ribosome:mRNA:peptide complex. The signal sequence mediates the interaction of this complex with a cytosolic signal recognition particle (SRP) to form a complex which in turn docks with an SRP receptor complex on the ER membrane. There the ribosome complex is transferred from the SRP complex to a translocon complex embedded in the ER membrane and reoriented so that the nascent polypeptide protrudes through a pore in the translocon into the ER lumen. Translation, which had been halted by SRP binding, now resumes, the signal peptide is cleaved from the polypeptide, and elongation proceeds, with the growing polypeptide oriented into the ER lumen.
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane