Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis

Protein involved in the synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco), a molybdenum atom coordinated to the sulfur atoms of a pterin derivative (molybdopterin [MPT]). It is highly conserved in eukaryotes, eubacteria, and archaebacteria. In prokaryotes, two operons are directly associated with biosynthesis of the pterin moiety and its side chain while additional loci play a role in the acquisition of molybdenum and/or activation of the cofactor.


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Protein involved in the synthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco), a molybdenum atom coordinated to the sulfur atoms of a pterin derivative (molybdopterin [MPT]). It is highly conserved in eukaryotes, eubacteria, and archaebacteria. In prokaryotes, two operons are directly associated with biosynthesis of the pterin moiety and its side chain while additional loci play a role in the acquisition of molybdenum and/or activation of the cofactor.
Moco anabolism, Moco biosynthesis, Moco biosynthetic process, Moco formation, Moco synthesis, Molybdenum cofactor anabolism, Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, Molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic process, Molybdenum cofactor formation, Molybdenum cofactor synthesis, Molybdopterin anabolism, Molybdopterin biosynthesis, Molybdopterin biosynthetic process, Molybdopterin formation, Molybdopterin synthesis