evasion or tolerance by symbiont of host-produced reactive oxygen species

The process in which an organism avoids the effects of reactive oxygen species produced as a defense response by the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.


Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
The process in which an organism avoids the effects of reactive oxygen species produced as a defense response by the host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
evasion by organism of cellular damage caused by host oxidative burst, evasion or tolerance by organism of host-produced reactive oxygen species, evasion or tolerance by organism of reactive oxygen species produced during host defense response, evasion or tolerance by symbiont of host-produced reactive oxygen species, evasion or tolerance of defense-related host metabolic burst, evasion or tolerance of defense-related host oxidative burst, evasion or tolerance of defense-related host respiratory burst, evasion or tolerance of host-produced AOS, evasion or tolerance of host-produced ROIs, evasion or tolerance of host-produced ROS, evasion or tolerance of host-produced active oxygen species, evasion or tolerance of host-produced reactive oxygen intermediates, evasion or tolerance of reactive oxygen species produced by host in response to organism