J. Interferon Cytokine Res.

We have cloned a new member of the interferon (IFN)-induced guanylate-binding protein (GBP) family of GTPases, murine GBP-2 (mGBP-2), from bone marrow-derived macrophages. mGBP-2 is located on murine chromosome 3, where it is linked to mGBP-1. With the identification of mGBP-2 there are now two human and two murine GBPs. Like other GBPs, mGBP-2 RNA and protein are induced by IFN-gamma. In addition, mGBP-2 shares with the other GBPs important structural features that distinguish this family from other GTPases. First, mGBP-2 contains only two of the three consensus sequences for nucleotide binding found within the classic GTP binding regions of other GTPases. A second amino acid motif found in mGBP-2 is a potential C-terminal site for isoprenoid modification, called a CaaX sequence. mGBP-2 is prenylated, as detected by [3H]mevalonate incorporation, when expressed in COS cells and preferentially incorporates the C-20 isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Surprisingly, despite having a functional CaaX sequence, mGBP-2 is primarily cytosolic. GBP proteins are very abundant in IFN-exposed cells, but little is known about their function. mGBP-2 is expressed by IFN-gamma-treated cells from C57Bl/6 mice, whereas mGBP-1 is not. Thus, the identification of mGBP-2 makes possible the study of GBP function in the absence of a second family member.


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We have cloned a new member of the interferon (IFN)-induced guanylate-binding protein (GBP) family of GTPases, murine GBP-2 (mGBP-2), from bone marrow-derived macrophages. mGBP-2 is located on murine chromosome 3, where it is linked to mGBP-1. With the identification of mGBP-2 there are now two human and two murine GBPs. Like other GBPs, mGBP-2 RNA and protein are induced by IFN-gamma. In addition, mGBP-2 shares with the other GBPs important structural features that distinguish this family from other GTPases. First, mGBP-2 contains only two of the three consensus sequences for nucleotide binding found within the classic GTP binding regions of other GTPases. A second amino acid motif found in mGBP-2 is a potential C-terminal site for isoprenoid modification, called a CaaX sequence. mGBP-2 is prenylated, as detected by [3H]mevalonate incorporation, when expressed in COS cells and preferentially incorporates the C-20 isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Surprisingly, despite having a functional CaaX sequence, mGBP-2 is primarily cytosolic. GBP proteins are very abundant in IFN-exposed cells, but little is known about their function. mGBP-2 is expressed by IFN-gamma-treated cells from C57Bl/6 mice, whereas mGBP-1 is not. Thus, the identification of mGBP-2 makes possible the study of GBP function in the absence of a second family member.
J. Interferon Cytokine Res.
Asundi V.K., Buss J.E., Copeland N.G., Jenkins N.A., Kelner G.S., Maki R.A., McKercher S.R., Vestal D.J.
Murine GBP-2: a new IFN-gamma-induced member of the GBP family of GTPases isolated from macrophages.