
Most tubulin genes of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma rhodesiense are contained in 3.7-kb tandemly repeating units. One member of the 3.7-kb repeat family has been isolated from a T. rhodesiense genomic library, cloned, and sequenced. The 3646-bp fragment contains a complete alpha-tubulin gene and portions of two beta-tubulin genes. No introns are present. The genes are separated by 634- and 333-bp intergenic regions, which lack typical eukaryotic promoter and poly(A) signal sequences. However, both intergenic regions exhibit some structural similarity with sequences proposed to be involved in transcription termination and poly(A) addition in yeast. The 634-bp intergenic region shows homology to the "mini-exon" sequence associated with variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) and other trypanosome mRNAs. A comparable sequence is not found in the 333-bp intergenic region. T. rhodesiense alpha and beta-tubulins exhibit about 84-85% amino acid (aa) sequence homology with tubulins of mammals; the genes show about 74-75% nucleotide sequence homology. The alpha-tubulin contains 451 aa and the beta tubulin 442 aa; both have tyrosine as the C-terminal aa.


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Most tubulin genes of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma rhodesiense are contained in 3.7-kb tandemly repeating units. One member of the 3.7-kb repeat family has been isolated from a T. rhodesiense genomic library, cloned, and sequenced. The 3646-bp fragment contains a complete alpha-tubulin gene and portions of two beta-tubulin genes. No introns are present. The genes are separated by 634- and 333-bp intergenic regions, which lack typical eukaryotic promoter and poly(A) signal sequences. However, both intergenic regions exhibit some structural similarity with sequences proposed to be involved in transcription termination and poly(A) addition in yeast. The 634-bp intergenic region shows homology to the "mini-exon" sequence associated with variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) and other trypanosome mRNAs. A comparable sequence is not found in the 333-bp intergenic region. T. rhodesiense alpha and beta-tubulins exhibit about 84-85% amino acid (aa) sequence homology with tubulins of mammals; the genes show about 74-75% nucleotide sequence homology. The alpha-tubulin contains 451 aa and the beta tubulin 442 aa; both have tyrosine as the C-terminal aa.
Hirschberg R., Kimmel B.E., Samson S., Wu J., Yarbrough L.R.
Tubulin genes of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense: nucleotide sequence of a 3.7-kb fragment containing genes for alpha and beta tubulins.