Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol.

To describe the set of mRNA and protein expressed in the salivary glands (sialome) of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, we randomly sequenced a full-length cDNA library of this insect and performed Edman degradation of PVDF-transferred protein bands from salivary homogenates. We found 238 cDNA clusters which contained those coding for 10 of the 11 proteins found by aminoterminal degradation. All six previously described salivary proteins were found in this library. Full-length sequences of 32 novel cDNA sequences are reported, one of which is the product of a transposable element. Among the 31 novel protein sequences are 4 additional members of the D7 protein family; 4 novel members of the antigen 5 family (a protein family not reported in Aedes); a novel serpin; a novel member of the 30-kDa allergen of Ae. Aegypti; a secreted calreticulin; 2 proteins similar to mammalian angiopoietins; adenosine deaminase; purine hydrolase; lysozyme; a C-type lectin; 3 serine proteases, including one with high similarity to Bombyx prophenoloxidase activating enzyme; 2 proteins related to invertebrate immunity; and several sequences that have no significant matches to known proteins. The possible role of these proteins in blood and sugar feeding by the mosquito is discussed.


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To describe the set of mRNA and protein expressed in the salivary glands (sialome) of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, we randomly sequenced a full-length cDNA library of this insect and performed Edman degradation of PVDF-transferred protein bands from salivary homogenates. We found 238 cDNA clusters which contained those coding for 10 of the 11 proteins found by aminoterminal degradation. All six previously described salivary proteins were found in this library. Full-length sequences of 32 novel cDNA sequences are reported, one of which is the product of a transposable element. Among the 31 novel protein sequences are 4 additional members of the D7 protein family; 4 novel members of the antigen 5 family (a protein family not reported in Aedes); a novel serpin; a novel member of the 30-kDa allergen of Ae. Aegypti; a secreted calreticulin; 2 proteins similar to mammalian angiopoietins; adenosine deaminase; purine hydrolase; lysozyme; a C-type lectin; 3 serine proteases, including one with high similarity to Bombyx prophenoloxidase activating enzyme; 2 proteins related to invertebrate immunity; and several sequences that have no significant matches to known proteins. The possible role of these proteins in blood and sugar feeding by the mosquito is discussed.
Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol.
Francischetti I.M., Garfield M.K., Pham V.M., Ribeiro J.M., Valenzuela J.G.
Toward a description of the sialome of the adult female mosquito Aedes aegypti.