
The monomeric form translocates to the nucleus via the action of importins and depends on RAN. Nuclear transport is inhibited by Tyr-892 phosphorylation. In skeletal muscle, this phosphorylated form locates to a vesicular internal membrane compartment. In muscle cells, sarcolemma localization requires the presence of ANK2, while localization to costameres requires the presence of ANK3. Localizes to neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in the presence of ANK2 (By similarity). In peripheral nerves, localizes to the Schwann cell membrane. Colocalizes with ERM proteins in Schwann-cell microvilli (By similarity).


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The monomeric form translocates to the nucleus via the action of importins and depends on RAN. Nuclear transport is inhibited by Tyr-892 phosphorylation. In skeletal muscle, this phosphorylated form locates to a vesicular internal membrane compartment. In muscle cells, sarcolemma localization requires the presence of ANK2, while localization to costameres requires the presence of ANK3. Localizes to neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in the presence of ANK2 (By similarity). In peripheral nerves, localizes to the Schwann cell membrane. Colocalizes with ERM proteins in Schwann-cell microvilli (By similarity).