
Homooligomer. Interacts with REV1. Interacts with ADAM9. Interacts with CHAMP1. Interacts with REV3L. Interacts with FZR1 (in complex with the anaphase promoting complex APC). May interact with CDC20. Interacts with RAN. Interacts with ELK1; the interaction is direct and recruits MAD2L2 to ELK1-specific promoters. May interact with the JNK kinases MAPK8 and/or MAPK9 to stimulate ELK1 phosphorylation and transcriptional activity upon DNA damage. Interacts with TCF7L2; prevents its binding to promoters and negatively modulates its transcriptional activity. Interacts with YY1AP1. Interacts with PRCC; the interaction is direct. Interacts with POGZ (By similarity).


Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
Homooligomer. Interacts with REV1. Interacts with ADAM9. Interacts with CHAMP1. Interacts with REV3L. Interacts with FZR1 (in complex with the anaphase promoting complex APC). May interact with CDC20. Interacts with RAN. Interacts with ELK1; the interaction is direct and recruits MAD2L2 to ELK1-specific promoters. May interact with the JNK kinases MAPK8 and/or MAPK9 to stimulate ELK1 phosphorylation and transcriptional activity upon DNA damage. Interacts with TCF7L2; prevents its binding to promoters and negatively modulates its transcriptional activity. Interacts with YY1AP1. Interacts with PRCC; the interaction is direct. Interacts with POGZ (By similarity).