Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
"Catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule." [ISBN:0198506732]
kinase activity
phosphokinase activity
Reactome:REACT_115472 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Schizosaccharomyces pombe", Reactome:REACT_118229 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_118307 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Gallus gallus", Reactome:REACT_118462 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Saccharomyces cerevisiae", Reactome:REACT_1481 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Homo sapiens", Reactome:REACT_30230 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_31519 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_33003 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Dictyostelium discoideum", Reactome:REACT_82473 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_83187 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_84080 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_86014 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_91684 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_94817 "Phosphorylation of the SA2 Cohesin Complex, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_101303 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_101667 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_104730 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Schizosaccharomyces pombe", Reactome:REACT_106225 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_109331 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_110530 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_1808 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Homo sapiens", Reactome:REACT_28555 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_28824 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_29914 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_496 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Homo sapiens", Reactome:REACT_77443 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_77834 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_78539 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_80665 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_82751 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_85066 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_86211 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae", Reactome:REACT_87593 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Gallus gallus", Reactome:REACT_91263 "Down Regulation of Emi1 through Phosphorylation of Emi1, Gallus gallus", Reactome:REACT_97458 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Dictyostelium discoideum", Reactome:REACT_99266 "Activation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) by PLK1, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_100073 "Activation of S6K1, Schizosaccharomyces pombe", Reactome:REACT_100078 "Wee1-mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin A:phospho-Cdc2 complexes, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_100159 "Inactivation of Myt1 kinase, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_100260 "Partial autophosphorylation of PAK-2 at Ser-19, Ser-20, Ser-55, Ser-192, and Ser-197, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_100298 "Phosphorylation of L1 by CK-II, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_100305 "Regulation of NUDC by phosphorylation, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_100311 "Intermolecular autophosphorylation of ATM within dimeric ATM complexes, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_100390 "Phosphorylation of phospho-(Ser45,Thr41,Ser37) at Ser33 by GSK-3, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_100465 "Phosphorylation and inactivation of eEF2K by activated S6K1, Dictyostelium discoideum", Reactome:REACT_100495 "Cdc6 protein is phosphorylated by CDK, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_100519 "Intermolecular autophosphorylation of ATM within dimeric ATM complexes, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_100636 "Phosphorylation of proteins involved in the G1/S transition by Cyclin A:Cdk2, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_100637 "Phosphorylation of the Scc1:Cohesion Complex, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_101024 "Phosphorylation and inactivation of eEF2K by activated S6K1, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_101170 "Phosphorylation of APC component of the destruction complex, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_101431 "Mcm2-7 is phosphorylated by DDK, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_101543 "CAK-mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin E:Cdk2, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_101596 "Phosphorylation of Cyclin D:Cdk4/6 complexes, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_101638 "Phosphorylation and activation of CHK2 by ATM, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_101841 "Phosphorylation of Cdc25C at Ser216, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_101862 "Myt-1 mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin A:Cdc2, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_101914 "Wee1- mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin B1:phospho-Cdc2 complexes, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_102090 "Phosphoryation of phospho- (Ser45, Thr41) beta-catenin at Ser37 by GSK-3, Taeniopygia guttata", Reactome:REACT_102093 "Phosphorylation and activation of eIF4G by activated S6K1, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_102154 "Autophosphorylation of PAK-2p34 in the activation loop, Schizosaccharomyces pombe", Reactome:REACT_102322 "RAF1 phosphorylates MEK2, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_102330 "Phosphorylation of MDM2 at serine-395 by ATM kinase, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_102380 "Regulation of KIF23 (MKLP1) by phosphorylation, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_102475 "Inactivation of Myt1 kinase, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_102499 "CAK-mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin A:Cdc2 complexes, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_102552 "Phosphorylation of Cdc25A at Ser-123 in response to DNA damage, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_102607 "Phosphorylation of Cdc25A at Ser-123 in response to DNA damage, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_102711 "Phosphorylation of L1 by CK-II, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_102729 "RAF1 phosphorylates MEK1, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_102817 "Phosphorylation of L1 by ERK, Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_102887 "Mcm2-7 is phosphorylated by DDK, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_102908 "Phosphorylation of the Scc1:Cohesion Complex, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_102915 "Activation of S6K1, Arabidopsis thaliana", Reactome:REACT_103060 "Phosphorylation of MDC1/NFBD1 by ATM (within 2 c-term BRCT domains), Arabidopsis thaliana", Reactome:REACT_103291 "Phosphorylation of complexed TSC2 by PKB, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_103327 "Phosphorylation of Cyclin E2:Cdk2 complexes by Myt1, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_103359 "Wee1- mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin B1:phospho-Cdc2 complexes, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_103468 "Activation of Cdc25C, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_103691 "Phosphorylation of COP1 at Ser-387 by ATM, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_103727 "Phosphorylation of NBS1 by ATM, Drosophila melanogaster", Reactome:REACT_103804 "Phosphorylation of AKT2 by PDK1, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_103989 "Phosphorylation of NBS1 by ATM, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_104022 "Phosphorylation of p53 at ser-15 by ATM kinase, Xenopus tropicalis", Reactome:REACT_104044 "Phosphorylation and activation of Chk1 by ATM, Sus scrofa", Reactome:REACT_104109 "Phosphorylation of proteins involved in the G1/S transition by Cyclin A:Cdk2, Danio rerio", Reactome:REACT_104209 "Activation of S6K1, Caenorhabditis elegans", Reactome:REACT_104323 "Wee1-mediated phosphorylation of Cyclin A:phospho-Cdc2 complexes, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_104386 "Phosphorylation and activation of eIF4B by activated S6K1, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_104523 "Inactivation of Wee1 kinase, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_104644 "Regulation of KIF20A (MKL2) by phosphorylation, Bos taurus", Reactome:REACT_104687 "Phosphorylation of L1 by CK-II, Canis familiaris", Reactome:REACT_104822 "Phosphorylation of COP1 at Ser-387 by ATM, Rattus norvegicus", Reactome:REACT_104837 "SOS phosphorylation and dissociation (SHC), Mus musculus", Reactome:REACT_104878 "Phosphorylation of Cyclin E:Cdk2 complexes by Wee-1, Xenopus tropicalis"