Predicate | Object |
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skos:definition |
"Catalysis of the reaction: GTP + H2O = GDP + phosphate." [ISBN:0198547684]
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skos:prefLabel |
GTPase activity
skos:notation |
Reactome:REACT_100432 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Mus musculus",
Reactome:REACT_100708 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_101121 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Rattus norvegicus",
Reactome:REACT_101520 "G alpha (s) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Drosophila melanogaster",
Reactome:REACT_101563 "Loss of Sar1b GTPase, Arabidopsis thaliana",
Reactome:REACT_101678 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_102040 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_102208 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_102307 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of Gi alpha, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_102371 "Vesicle Uncoating, Oryza sativa",
Reactome:REACT_102510 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_102532 "Loss of Sar1b GTPase, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_103518 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_104081 "G alpha (i) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Mus musculus",
Reactome:REACT_104477 "G alpha (12/13) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Canis familiaris",
Reactome:REACT_104739 "Loss of Sar1b GTPase, Dictyostelium discoideum",
Reactome:REACT_105323 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Canis familiaris",
Reactome:REACT_105697 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
Reactome:REACT_105708 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_105854 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_106121 "Vesicle Uncoating, Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
Reactome:REACT_106217 "Hydrolysis of eEF1A:GTP, Dictyostelium discoideum",
Reactome:REACT_106301 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Mus musculus",
Reactome:REACT_106528 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Canis familiaris",
Reactome:REACT_107176 "G alpha (z) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_107306 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Rattus norvegicus",
Reactome:REACT_107730 "G alpha (z) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
Reactome:REACT_107820 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Canis familiaris",
Reactome:REACT_108363 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Drosophila melanogaster",
Reactome:REACT_108653 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_108825 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Drosophila melanogaster",
Reactome:REACT_108837 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_109360 "G alpha (12/13) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_109897 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_110131 "G alpha (i) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_110443 "G alpha (12/13) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_110557 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_110859 "G alpha (s) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Caenorhabditis elegans",
Reactome:REACT_110879 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Canis familiaris",
Reactome:REACT_110931 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_111994 "G alpha (z) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_112104 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_112254 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_112389 "Disassembly of COPII coated vesicle, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_112587 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_112651 "Vesicle Uncoating, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_112671 "Vesicle Uncoating, Plasmodium falciparum",
Reactome:REACT_113058 "G alpha (s) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
Reactome:REACT_113209 "G alpha (z) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_113727 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
Reactome:REACT_113832 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_113952 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_113954 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_114148 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_114153 "Loss of Sar1b GTPase, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_114188 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_114210 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_114331 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_114379 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_114384 "Hydrolysis of eEF1A:GTP, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_114532 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_114620 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_114824 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Taeniopygia guttata",
Reactome:REACT_115229 "G alpha (s) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Schizosaccharomyces pombe",
Reactome:REACT_115324 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_12396 "Loss of Sar1b GTPase, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_12397 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_12456 "Vesicle Uncoating, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_12612 "Endocytosis of clathrin-coated vesicle, Rattus norvegicus",
Reactome:REACT_15316 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_15335 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_15449 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_15495 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of Gi alpha, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19123 "G alpha (12/13) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19178 "G alpha (z) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19186 "G alpha (q) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19194 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19219 "G alpha (i) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19255 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_19317 "G alpha (i)1 auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Rattus norvegicus",
Reactome:REACT_22359 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Homo sapiens",
Reactome:REACT_28065 "Vesicle Uncoating, Sus scrofa",
Reactome:REACT_28251 "Hydrolysis of eEF1A:GTP, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_28269 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Gallus gallus",
Reactome:REACT_29162 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Mus musculus",
Reactome:REACT_30456 "Hydrolysis of eEF1A:GTP, Plasmodium falciparum",
Reactome:REACT_30463 "Adenylate cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Bos taurus",
Reactome:REACT_30562 "Endocytosis (internalization) of clathrin-coated vesicle, Caenorhabditis elegans",
Reactome:REACT_30687 "G-protein alpha subunit is inactivated, Xenopus tropicalis",
Reactome:REACT_30707 "trans-Golgi Network Vesicle Scission, Caenorhabditis elegans",
Reactome:REACT_30942 "Vesicle Uncoating, Rattus norvegicus",
Reactome:REACT_31226 "G alpha (s) auto-inactivates by hydrolysing GTP to GDP, Mus musculus",
Reactome:REACT_31474 "Formation of clathrin coated vesicle, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_31530 "Adenylaye cyclase increases the GTPase activity of G alpha-olf, Caenorhabditis elegans",
Reactome:REACT_31599 "trans-Golgi Network Lysosomal Vesicle Scission, Danio rerio",
Reactome:REACT_31709 "Hydrolysis of eEF1A:GTP, Drosophila melanogaster"