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FUNCTION: Functions as a dosage-dependent inducer in mitotic control. Tyrosine protein phosphatase required for progression of the cell cycle. When phosphorylated, highly effective in activating G2 cells into prophase. Directly dephosphorylates CDK1 and activates its kinase activity. CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: Protein tyrosine phosphate + H(2)O = protein tyrosine + phosphate. SUBUNIT: Interacts with HIV-1 Vpr, thereby inactivating CDC25C phosphatase activity. Interacts with MAPK14 and 14-3-3 proteins. When phosphorylated on Ser-129 and/or Thr-130, interacts with PLK1. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=5; Name=1; Synonyms=CDC25C1; IsoId=P30307-1; Sequence=Displayed; Name=2; Synonyms=CDC25C2; IsoId=P30307-2; Sequence=VSP_000864; Name=3; Synonyms=CDC25C3; IsoId=P30307-5; Sequence=Not described; Name=4; Synonyms=CDC25C4; IsoId=P30307-3; Sequence=VSP_000863; Name=5; Synonyms=CDC25C5, Cdc25Cdm; IsoId=P30307-4; Sequence=VSP_000863, VSP_000864; DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE: Expressed predominantly in G2 phase. PTM: Phosphorylated by CHEK1 and MAPK14 at Ser-216. This phosphorylation creates a binding site for 14-3-3 protein and inhibits the phosphatase. Phosphorylated by PLK4. Phosphorylated by PLK1, leading to activate the phosphatase activity. Phosphorylation by PLK3 at Ser-191 promotes nuclear translocation. Ser-198 is a minor phosphorylation site. Was initially reported to be phosphorylated by PLK3 at Ser-216 (PubMed:10557092). However, such phosphorylation by PLK3 was not confirmed by other groups. Phosphorylation at Thr-48, Thr-67, Ser-122, Thr-130, Ser-168 and Ser-214 occurs at G2 and G2-M transition and is probably catalyzed by CDK1. Ser-168 phosphorylation levels are lower than those at the other 5 CDK1 sites. Phosphorylation by CDK1 leads to increased activity. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the MPI phosphatase family. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 rhodanese domain. WEB RESOURCE: Name=NIEHS-SNPs; URL=""; GENE SYNONYMS:CDC25C. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium ( Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License., SEQUENCE 473 AA; 53365 MW; 0658A1F1B9B8996A CRC64;
biopax3:name, CDC25C, Dual specificity phosphatase Cdc25C
M-phase inducer phosphatase 3