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FUNCTION: Component of the RNF20/40 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex that mediates monoubiquitination of 'Lys-120' of histone H2B (H2BK120ub1). H2BK120ub1 gives a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional activation and is also prerequisite for histone H3 'Lys-4' and 'Lys-79' methylation (H3K4me and H3K79me, respectively). It thereby plays a central role in histone code and gene regulation. The RNF20/40 complex forms a H2B ubiquitin ligase complex in cooperation with the E2 enzyme UBE2A or UBE2B; reports about the cooperation with UBE2E1/UBCH are contradictory. Required for transcriptional activation of Hox genes. PATHWAY: Protein modification; protein ubiquitination. SUBUNIT: Component of the RNF20/40 complex (also known as BRE1 complex) probably composed of 2 copies of RNF20/BRE1A and 2 copies of RNF40/BRE1B. Interacts with UBE2E1/UBCH6. Interacts with RB1 and WAC. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=3; Name=1; IsoId=O75150-1; Sequence=Displayed; Name=3; IsoId=O75150-3; Sequence=VSP_016682, VSP_016683; Note=No experimental confirmation available; Name=4; IsoId=O75150-4; Sequence=VSP_016681; Note=No experimental confirmation available; TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Ubiquitously expressed. Expressed at higher level in testis, heart and pancreas, while it is only weakly expressed in lung, skeletal muscle and small intestine. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the BRE1 family. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 RING-type zinc finger. SEQUENCE CAUTION: Sequence=BAA31636.2; Type=Erroneous initiation; Note=Translation N-terminally shortened; Sequence=CAE45869.1; Type=Miscellaneous discrepancy; Note=Aberrant splicing; GENE SYNONYMS:RNF40 BRE1B KIAA0661. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium ( Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License., SEQUENCE 1001 AA; 113650 MW; 82D7CD183EDD5EFC CRC64;
6.3.2.-, 95 kDa retinoblastoma-associated protein, BRE1-B, RBP95, RING finger protein 40, RNF40
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1B