Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
2007 publication year MI:0886, Apoptosis - Interactions involving proteins with a function related to apoptosis dataset MI:0875, Cancer - Interactions investigated in the context of cancer dataset MI:0875, Cell Cycle (1538-4101) journal MI:0885, GI accession numbers were mapped to UniProt accession numbers using the Protein Information Resource mapping service. The following proteins were not successfully mapped using this service , NP_001777, NP_066997, NP_001460, NP_660087, NP_002871, NP_002906, NP_043127, NP_110379, NP-004238. These proteins were manually matched using amino acid sequence similarity searches of the UniProtKB database using the MPsrch tool available from the European Bioinformatics Institute website. Proteins were mapped if they had above a 98 percent sequence similarity over the full length of the mapped protein in the UniProtKB database. All proteins fell under this critera. data-processing MI:0633, GI accession numbers were mapped to UniProt accession numbers using the Protein Information Resource mapping service. data-processing MI:0633, Koch HB., Zhang R., Verdoodt B., Bailey A., Zhang CD., Yates JR., Menssen A., Hermeking H. author-list MI:0636, Large-scale identification of c-MYC-associated proteins using a combined TAP/MudPIT approach., contact-email MI:0634