Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
2006 publication year MI:0886, Crude bacterial protein extracts containing His-tagged human fusion proteins are double spotted onto filter membranes. PPIs are detected after overlay with bacterial protein extracts containing recombinant human GST fusion protein using HRP-conjugated anti-GST antibody. The GST tagged bait determined by ELISA and the HIS tagged preys determined by mass spectrometry. exp-modification MI:0627, Grelle G., Kostka S., Otto A., Kersten B., Genser KF., Muller EC., Walter S., Boddrich A., Stelzl U., Hanig C., Volkmer-Engert R., Landgraf C., Alberti S., Hohfeld J., Strodicke M., Wanker EE. author-list MI:0636, Human fetal brain cDNA library were used for His-tagged fusion proteins. library-used MI:0672, Identification of VCP/p97, carboxyl terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein (CHIP), and amphiphysin II interaction partners using membrane-based human proteome arrays., Mol. Cell Proteomics (1535-9476) journal MI:0885, Parkinsons - Interactions investigated in the context of Parkinsons disease dataset MI:0875, Synapse - Interactions of proteins with an established role in the presynapse. dataset MI:0875, contact-email MI:0634