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2 Nov 2009: Anne-Claude Gingras, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. curation request MI:0873, 2009 publication year MI:0886, A PP2A phosphatase high density interaction network identifies a novel striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase complex linked to the cerebral cavernous malformation 3 (CCM3) protein., Apoptosis - Interactions involving proteins with a function related to apoptosis dataset MI:0875, Goudreault M., D'Ambrosio LM., Kean MJ., Mullin MJ., Larsen BG., Sanchez A., Chaudhry S., Chen GI., Sicheri F., Nesvizhskii AI., Aebersold R., Raught B., Gingras AC. value: Goudreault M., D'Ambrosio LM., Kean MJ., Mullin MJ., Larsen BG., Sanchez A., Chaudhry S., Chen GI., Sicheri F., Nesvizhskii AI., Aebersold R., Raught B., Gingras AC. author-list MI:0636, Goudreault M., D'Ambrosio LM., Kean MJ., Mullin MJ., Larsen BG., Sanchez A., Chaudhry S., Chen GI., Sicheri F., Nesvizhskii AI., Aebersold R., Raught B., Gingras AC. author-list MI:0636, Mol. Cell Proteomics (1535-9476) journal MI:0885, Synapse - Interactions of proteins with an established role in the presynapse. dataset MI:0875, contact-email MI:0634