Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
2010 publication year MI:0886, Apoptosis - Interactions involving proteins with a function related to apoptosis dataset MI:0875, Cell (0092-8674) journal MI:0885, Only protein-protein interactions full coverage MI:0957, Ragulator-Rag complex targets mTORC1 to the lysosomal surface and is necessary for its activation by amino acids., Sancak Y., Bar-Peled L., Zoncu R., Markhard AL., Nada S., Sabatini DM. author-list MI:0636, Source of RRAG family proteins taken from PMID: 18497260 as referenced in the text. Interactions involving Raptor, mTor, S6K1 and Rheb could not be annotated as the source of these proteins could not be traced. data-processing MI:0633, Untagged proteins visualised by immunostaining with a fluorescently tagged secondary antibody. exp-modification MI:0627, imex curation MI:0959, imex curation curation depth MI:0955, contact-email MI:0634