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2004 publication year MI:0886, Detergent solubilized whole rat brain extract was used for affinity chromatography using a GST tagged bait (kir2.2). The interactors were eluted using a competitor bait peptide (ERPYRRESEI for kir2.2). Eluates were dried and analyzed by mass spectrometry after protein digestion. A control experiment using a Kir2.2 fragment with a 3 amino-acids deletion at the c-terminus was used instead. Only the interactors which were not found in the control experiment are reported here. exp-modification MI:0627, Detergent solubilized whole rat heart extract was used for affinity chromatography using a GST tagged bait (kir2.2). The interactors were eluted using a competitor bait peptide (ERPYRRESEI for kir2.2). Eluates were dried and analyzed by mass spectrometry after protein digestion. A control experiment using a Kir2.2 fragment with a 3 amino-acids deletion at the c-terminus was used instead. Only the interactors which were not found in the control experiment are reported here. exp-modification MI:0627, J. Biol. Chem. (0021-9258) journal MI:0885, Leonoudakis D., Conti LR., Anderson S., Radeke CM., McGuire LM., Adams ME., Froehner SC., Yates JR., Vandenberg CA. author-list MI:0636, Protein trafficking and anchoring complexes revealed by proteomic analysis of inward rectifier potassium channel (Kir2.x)-associated proteins., Synapse - Interactions of proteins with an established role in the presynapse. dataset MI:0875, table 1 figure legend MI:0599, table 3 figure legend MI:0599, contact-email MI:0634