Microarray Analysis


CSP: hybridization based tool used to analyze how large numbers of genes interact with each other and how a cell's regulatory network controls a vast battery of genes simultaneously; used for genotyping, mapping, sequencing, sequence detection; usually constructed by applying biomolecules onto a slide or chip, labeled with fluorescent probe and scanned with microscope or imaging equipment.,NCI: Information about all messenger RNAs that are made in various cell types. A gene expression profile may be used to find and diagnose a disease or condition and to see how well the body responds to treatment. Gene expression profiles may be used in personalized medicine.,MSH: The simultaneous analysis, on a microchip, of multiple samples or targets arranged in an array format.,NCI: Analysis using microarray technology (e.g., cDNA arrays to see gene expression or protein microarrays to profile the pattern of proteins).

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