Malignant neoplasm of ovary


MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Ovarian cancer usually happens in women over age 50, but it can also affect younger women. Its cause is unknown. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect early. </p><p>The sooner ovarian cancer is found and treated, the better your chance for recovery. But ovarian cancer is hard to detect early. Many times, women with ovarian cancer have no symptoms or just mild symptoms until the disease is in an advanced stage and hard to treat. Symptoms may include:</p><ul> <li>Heavy feeling in pelvis</li> <li>Pain in lower abdomen</li> <li> Bleeding from the vagina</li> <li> Weight gain or loss</li> <li> Abnormal periods</li> <li> Unexplained back pain that gets worse</li> <li> Gas, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite</li></ul><p>Treatment is usually surgery followed by treatment with medicines called chemotherapy. </p>,NCI: Cancer that forms in tissues of the ovary (one of a pair of female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are formed). Most ovarian cancers are either ovarian epithelial carcinomas (

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