MEDLINEPLUS: <p>The thymus is a small organ in your upper chest, under your breastbone. Before birth and during childhood, the thymus helps the body make a type of white blood cell. These cells help protect you from infections. </p><p>Cancer of the thymus is rare. You are more likely to get it if you have other diseases such as myasthenia gravis, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Other times, thymus cancer can cause</p><ul><li> A cough that doesn't go away </li><li> Chest pain</li><li>Trouble breathing</li></ul><p>The most common treatment is surgery to remove the tumor. Other options include radiation and hormone therapy.</p><p style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;">NIH: National Cancer Institute</p>,NCI: Primary or metastatic malignant neoplasm involving the thymus. This category includes malignant thymomas, thymic lymphomas, primary thymic carcinomas, and metastatic carcinomas from other anatomic sites. --2003