skos:definition |
MSH: A genetic or acquired polyuric disorder caused by a deficiency of VASOPRESSINS secreted by the NEUROHYPOPHYSIS. Clinical signs include the excretion of large volumes of dilute URINE; HYPERNATREMIA; THIRST; and polydipsia. Etiologies include HEAD TRAUMA; surgeries and diseases involving the HYPOTHALAMUS and the PITUITARY GLAND. This disorder may also be caused by mutations of genes such as ARVP encoding vasopressin and its corresponding neurophysin (NEUROPHYSINS).,NCI: Diabetes insipidus caused by decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland.,CHV: a lack of antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute urine,CHV: a lack of antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute urine,CHV: a lack of antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute urine,CHV: a lack of antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute urine,CHV: a lack of antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute uri