Protein Biosynthesis


CSP: ribosome mediated process by which polypeptide chains are synthesized, the aminoacid sequence being completely determined by the sequence of bases in a messenger RNA, which in turn is determined by the sequences of bases in the DNA of the gene from which it was transcribed.,GO: The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome. [GOC:go_curators],CSP: anabolic formation of proteins in organisms or living cells; for more specific steps in the process of forming proteins, see related terms.,MSH: The biosynthesis of PEPTIDES and PROTEINS on RIBOSOMES, directed by MESSEN

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