Metabolic Syndrome X


MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that put you at risk for <a href=''>heart disease</a> and <a href=''>diabetes</a>. These conditions are </p><ul><li> <a href=''>High blood pressure</a></li><li> High blood sugar levels</li><li> High levels of <a href=''>triglycerides</a>, a type of fat, in your blood </li><li> Low levels of HDL, the good <a href=''>cholesterol</a>, in your blood</li><li> Too much fat around your waist</li></ul><p>Not all doctors agree on the definition or cause of metabolic syndrome. The cause might be insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone your body produces to help you turn sugar from food into energy for your body. If you are insulin resistant, too much sugar builds up in your blood, setting the stag

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