stress-activated protein kinase 1


MSH: A c-jun amino-terminal kinase that is activated by environmental stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Several isoforms of the protein with molecular sizes of 43 and 48 KD exist due to multiple ALTERNATIVE SPLICING.,NCI: Encoded by Human MAPK8 Gene (MAPK Family) as alternative isoforms (alpha-1, -2, beta-1, -2), MAP Kinase 8 is a stress/cytokine-induced Ser/Thr kinase that acts as an integration point for multiple biochemical signals involved in target transcription factor regulation, such as c-Jun and ATF2. Beta-1 binds c-Jun; alpha-1, -2, and beta-2 bind c-Jun or ATF2. Inhibited by dual specificity phosphatases, and phosphothreonine/tyrosine activated by a Ras-dependent dual specificity MAP2K4/MAP2K7 cascade, MAPK8 mediates immediate-early gene expression. MAPK8 binds scaffolding proteins MAPK8IP1/2/3. MAPK8/UV-induced apoptosis appears related to cytochrome c-mediated cell death. MAPK8 activation by TNF-alpha induces apoptosis. MAPK8 appears to be required for T-helper cell differentiation into Th1 c

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