Propionic acidemia


CSP: elevated accumulation and excretion of glycine accompanied by ketosis that is secondary to methylmalonicacidemia, isovalericacidemia and other organic acidemias, as distinguished from nonketotic hyperglycinemia.,MSH: Autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by mutations in PROPIONYL-COA CARBOXYLASE genes that result in dysfunction of branch chain amino acids and of the metabolism of certain fatty acids. Neonatal clinical onset is characterized by severe metabolic acidemia accompanied by hyperammonemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, lethargy, vomiting, HYPOTONIA; and HEPATOMEGALY. Survivors of the neonatal onset propionic acidemia often show developmental retardation, and intolerance to dietary proteins. Late-onset form of the disease shows mild mental and/or developmental retardation, sometimes without metabolic acidemia.,NCI: A rare autosomal inherited organic acid disorder caused by mutations in the PCCA and PCCB genes. It results in the accumulation of harmful organic acids in the blood and urine. Signs and sym

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