Nutritional Support


MSH: The administration of nutrients for assimilation and utilization by a patient by means other than normal eating. It does not include FLUID THERAPY which normalizes body fluids to restore WATER-ELECTROLYTE BALANCE.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Nutritional support is for people who cannot get enough nourishment by eating or drinking. You may need it if you </p><ul><li>Can't swallow</li> <li> Have problems with your appetite or are severely malnourished</li> <li> Can't absorb nutrients through your digestive system</li> </ul><p>You receive nutritional support through a needle or catheter placed in your vein or with a feeding tube, which goes into your stomach. </p><p>Giving nutritional support can have both benefits and risks. Families considering nutritional support for a loved one who cannot make decisions should discuss the options with the patient's doctor.</p>,NCI: Administration of essential nutrients to a patient utilizing methods other than oral feedings.

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