Body part


UWDA: Anatomical structure, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with either the skull, a segment of the vertebral column or a complete set of bones of the appendicular skeleton; it is partially surrounded by skin and forms a distinct morphological subdivision of the body; together with all other body parts, a body part constitutes the human body. Examples: Canonical instances are limited to head, neck, trunk, and the limbs.,FMA: Anatomical structure, which has as its direct parts instances of anatomical sets of organs and cardinal organ parts spatially associated with either the skull, vertebral column, or the skeleton of a limb; in their aggregate are surrounded by a part of the skin Examples: Head, body proper, right upper limb.,NCI: Any part of an organism.,MSH: Parts of the human body viewed from a philosophical or social perspective.

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