NCI: A microscope (device used to magnify small objects) that uses electrons (instead of light) to produce an enlarged image. An electron microscope shows tiny details better than any other type of microscope.,UMD: Microscopes designed to magnify an image using an electron beam instead of light, which allows greater magnification (500,000x is typical) and resolution than a light microscope. The images are usually observed on a fluorescent screen or through photographs. There are two basic types of electron microscopes: the transmission electron microscope (TEM), which basically operates like a light microscope but uses an electron beam, and scanning electron microscopes (SEM), which provide a three-dimensional image of the surface of the examined object; some electron microscopes combine both techniques. TEMs intended for clinical use permit highly detailed visualization of tissue, individual cells, and cell structures; SEMs are intended mainly for research and, less frequently, for clinical applications.