Respiratory Burst


MSH: A large increase in oxygen uptake by neutrophils and most types of tissue macrophages through activation of an NADPH-cytochrome b-dependent oxidase that reduces oxygen to a superoxide. Individuals with an inherited defect in which the oxidase that reduces oxygen to superoxide is decreased or absent (GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE, CHRONIC) often die as a result of recurrent bacterial infections.,CSP: large increase in oxygen uptake by neutrophils and most types of tissue macrophages through activation of an NADPH/cytochrome b-dependent oxidase that reduces oxygen to a superoxide.,GO: A phase of elevated metabolic activity, during which oxygen consumption increases; this leads to the production, by an NADH dependent system, of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals. [ISBN:0198506732],GO: A phase of elevated metabolic activity, during which oxygen consumption increases, that occurs in neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages shortly after phagocytosing material. An enhanced uptake of oxyge

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