Skin Diseases, Infectious


MSH: Skin diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses.,CSP: skin diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses; may present on the surface of the skin, or underlying dermal layers.,NCI: A disorder characterized by an infectious process involving the skin.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Your skin helps protect you from germs, but sometimes it can get infected by them. Some common types of skin infections are</p><ul><li>Bacterial: <a href=''>Cellulitis</a> and <a href=''>impetigo</a>. <a href=''>Staphylococcal infections</a> can also affect the skin.</li><li>Viral: <a href=''>Shingles</a>, <a href=''>warts</a>, and <a href=''>herpes simplex</a></li><li>Fungal: <a href='

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