Pineal gland


MSH: A light-sensitive neuroendocrine organ attached to the roof of the THIRD VENTRICLE of the brain. The pineal gland secretes MELATONIN, other biogenic amines, and neuropeptides.,CSP: endocrine gland, located in the median plane, just posterior to the dorsal part of the dorsal thalamus and rostral to the superior colliculus; concerned with adjustment to circadian rhythms; light is thought to have an inhibitory effect on its secretory activity and darkness to be excitatory; impulses are relayed from the retina to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, then to the pineal body by way of the thoracic spinal cord; secretes melatonin, other biogenic amines, and neuropeptides.,NCI: A tiny organ in the cerebrum that produces melatonin.,FMA: Circumventricular organ of neuraxis which is shaped like a pine cone and attached on the midline near the posterior and habenular commissures of the epithalamus.,CHV: a small gland in the brain that produces hormone,CHV: a small gland in the brain that produces hormone,CHV: a small gland

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