Intestinal Obstruction


MSH: Any impairment, arrest, or reversal of the normal flow of INTESTINAL CONTENTS toward the ANAL CANAL.,CSP: any impairment, arrest, or reversal of the normal flow of intestinal contents toward the anus.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>An intestinal obstruction occurs when food or <a href=''>stool</a> cannot move through the intestines. The obstruction can be complete or partial. There are many causes. The most common are <a href=''>adhesions</a>, <a href=''>hernias</a>, cancers, and certain medicines. </p><p>Symptoms include</p><ul><li>Severe abdominal pain or cramping </li><li>Vomiting </li><li>Bloating </li><li>Loud bowel sounds </li><li>Swelling of the abdomen </li><li>Inability to pass gas </li><li><a href=''>Constipation</a></li></ul><p>A complete intestinal obstruction is a medical emergency. It often requires surgery.<

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