Structure of corpus luteum of ovary


MSH: The yellow body derived from the ruptured OVARIAN FOLLICLE after OVULATION. The process of corpus luteum formation, LUTEINIZATION, is regulated by LUTEINIZING HORMONE.,CSP: yellow body derived from the ruptured ovarian follicle after ovulation; luteinization, the process of corpus luteum formation, is regulated by luteinizing hormone.,NCI: A group of cells that remain of the Graafian follicle following ovulation. This structure is composed of endocrine tissue and produces progesterone. This is needed to prepare the uterine lining for implantation by the fertilized egg. (NCI),NCI: A group of cells that remain of the Graafian follicle following ovulation. This structure is composed of endocrine tissue and produces progesterone. This is needed to prepare the uterine lining for implantation by the fertilized egg.

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