Congenital clubfoot


MSH: A deformed foot in which the foot is plantarflexed, inverted and adducted.,NCI: The most common congenital deformation of the foot, occurring in 1 of 1,000 live births. The most common form is talipes equinovarus, where the deformed foot is turned downward and inward sharply.,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot which occurs at birth in which one or both feet are twisted,CHV: a deformity of the foot w

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