Hydatidiform Mole, Invasive


MSH: A uterine tumor derived from persistent gestational TROPHOBLASTS, most likely after a molar pregnancy (HYDATIDIFORM MOLE). Invasive hyadatiform mole develops in about 15% of patients after evacuation of a complete mole and less frequently after other types of gestation. It may perforate the MYOMETRIUM and erode uterine vessels causing hemorrhage.,NCI: A type of cancer that grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. It is formed after conception (fertilization of an egg by a sperm). It may spread to other parts of the body, such as the vagina, vulva, and lung.,NCI: This term is used when a complete mole or very rarely a partial mole invades the myometrium. Microscopically, villi of hydatidiform mole are present within the myometrium or the myometrial vessels. Patients have persistent or rising hCG levels.

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