Breast Diseases


MSH: Pathological processes of the BREAST.,CSP: disease or disorder of the breast.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Most women experience breast changes at some time. Your age, hormone levels and medicines you take may cause lumps, bumps and discharges. </p><p>If you have a breast lump, pain, discharge or skin irritation, see your health care provider. Minor and serious breast problems have similar symptoms. Although many women fear <a href=''>cancer</a>, most breast problems are not cancer.</p><p>Some common causes of breast changes are</p><ul> <li>Fibrocystic breast condition - lumpiness, thickening and swelling, often associated with a woman's period</li> <li>Cysts - fluid-filled lumps</li> <li>Fibroadenomas - solid, round, rubbery lumps that move easily when pushed, occurring most in younger women</li> <li>Intraductal papillomas - growths similar to warts near the nipple</li> <li>Blocked or clogged milk ducts</li> <li>Milk production when a woman is not breastfeeding</li

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