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NCI: A type of external beam radiation therapy in which the radiation is delivered slice-by-slice, providing sequential delivery of radiation to different parts of the tumor. This method differs from other forms of radiation therapy in which the entire tumor volume is irradiated at one time.,NCI: A type of therapy in which radiation is aimed at a tumor from many different directions. The patient lays on a table and is moved through a donut-shaped machine. The radiation source in the machine rotates around the patient in a spiral pattern. Before radiation, a 3-dimensional (3-D) image of the tumor is taken. This helps doctors find the highest dose of radiation that can be used to kill tumor cells while causing less damage to nearby tissue. Tomotherapy is a type of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).,MSH: An arc-based approach to the delivery of intensity-modulated radiotherapy that uses a fan-beam of radiation in conjunction with a binary multileaf collimator.