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NCI: Encoded by human SOD2 Gene (Fe/Mn SOD Family), 222-aa 25-kDa (precursor) Manganese Superoxide Dismutase is a homotetrameric free radical scavenging indophenoloxidase in the mitochondrial matrix that is required for normal cell function. A first line of defense against toxic superoxide radical byproducts of the energy generating oxidative phosphorylation pathway, MnSOD maintains the integrity of mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes susceptible to inactivation by superoxide. Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress are implicated in a range of degenerative processes including ALS, ischemic heart disease, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and aging. Mitochondria are the chief source of reactive oxygen species in the cell. (NCI),NCI: The tissue Mn-SOD activities were significantly lower in the good-prognosis group than in the poor-prognosis group. These results of the present study suggest that a evaluation of tissue Mn-SOD activities in O-SCC is a useful prognostic factor for screening of patient