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MSH: The production of an image obtained by cameras that detect the radioactive emissions of an injected radionuclide as it has distributed differentially throughout tissues in the body. The image obtained from a moving detector is called a scan, while the image obtained from a stationary camera device is called a scintiphotograph.,NCI: An imaging technique that uses a small dose of a radioactive chemical (isotope) called a tracer that can detect sites of cancer growth, trauma, infection or degenerative disorders. The tracer, which is either injected into a vein or swallowed, travels through the bloodstream to the target organ, and emits gamma rays, which are detected by a gamma camera and analyzed by a computer to form an image of the target organ.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Nuclear scanning uses radioactive substances to see structures and functions inside your body. Nuclear scans involve a special camera that detects energy coming from the radioactive substance, called a tracer. Before the test, you receive the trace