skos:definition |
MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Accidents happen. Someone <a href=''>chokes</a> on an ice cube or gets <a href=''>stung</a> by a bee. It is important to know when to call 9-1-1 -- it is for life-threatening emergencies. While waiting for <a href=''>help</a> to arrive, you may be able to save someone's life. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (<a href=''>CPR</a>) is for people whose hearts or breathing has stopped and the Heimlich maneuver is for people who are choking. CPR should only be done if you have had the training. </p><p>You can also learn to handle common <a href=''>injuries</a> and <a href=''>wounds</a>. Cuts and scrapes, for example, should be rinsed with cool water. To stop bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure,