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There is considerable evidence that peripheral nerves have the potential to regenerate in an appropriate microenvironment. We have developed a novel artificial nerve guide composed of poly 3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) filled with glial growth factor (GGF) suspended in alginate hydrogel. Gaps of 2-4 cm in rabbit common peroneal nerve were bridged using a PHB conduit containing either GGF in alginate hydrogel (GGF) or alginate alone (Alginate), or with an empty PHB conduit (Empty). Tissues were harvested 21, 42 and 63 days post-operatively. Schwann cell and axonal regeneration were assessed using quantitative immunohistochemistry. At 21 days, addition of GGF increased significantly the distance of axonal and Schwann cells regeneration in comparison with that observed in Alginate and Empty conduits for both gap lengths. The axons bridged the 2-cm GGF conduits gap by 63 days, with a comparable rate of regeneration seen in 4-cm conduits. Schwann cells and axonal regeneration quantity was similar for both gap lengths in each group. However, at all time points the quantity of axonal and Schwann cells regeneration in GGF grafts was significantly greater than in both Alginate and Empty conduits, the latter showing better regeneration than Alginate conduits. The results indicate an inhibitory effect of alginate on regeneration, which is partially reversed by the addition of GGF to the conduits. In conclusion, GGF stimulates a progressive and sustainable regeneration increase in long nerve gap conduits.