pubmed:otherAbstract |
PIP: This study evaluated the clinical efficacy, safety, and side effects of intramuscular administration of 15(S) methyl F2 alpha for midtrimester pregnancy termination. 25 healthy women, generally in the 14-6th weeks of pregnancy, were given repeated doses of 250 mcg of 15(S) followed by 300-600 mcg at 2-3 hour intervals, depending upon the uterine contractions and side effects. In addition, 15 women were given Lomotil tablets before prostaglandin administration to counteract gastrointestinal side effects. The mean required dosage of prostaglandin was 2.3 mg. The induction-abortion interval was 5-10 hours in 32%, 11-15 hours in 52%, 16-20 hours in 8%, and 21-25 hours in 8%, with a mean abortion time of 13.04 hours. 23 women (92%) has complete and spontaneous abortion. Women treated with Lomotil experienced fewer episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. Other side effects included nausea in 40% of cases, cough in 12%, and fever in 16%. These side effects were mild and well tolerated by the patients, however. It is concluded that serial intramuscular injection of prostaglandin 15(S) methyl F2 alpha is an effective method for midtrimester abortion. In view of the minimal blood loss and asepsis associated with this method, it is particularly suitable for centers where blood transfusion facilities are inadequate.